So it took me more than a couple of days to write again… so what? You can blame Uri – because he should have written about the catering event, or at least told me what to write. As it was, he didn’t say that much about it. It was an event at the conservative synagogue downtown, there were 100 attendees and Uri, basically, opened a Hummus restaurant (Hummusiya) for them. He made falafel, hum
mus, tahinni, vegetable salad, cabbage salad (two kinds/ two colors) and taboule. I’m probably forgetting something – but you get the gist. Can you imagine the amount of food he made? Just making the list was crazy – 20 cucumbers (!) and it was those huge mega-cucumbers they have here in the US, 30 tomatoes, 10 heads of cabbage. Uri said that there was just the right amount of food – some things got completely finished, and in some there was some left – which, in Uri’s words, is what you want in a catering event since otherwise people feel like you ran out of something or that there wasn’t enough. I can see a certain bunch of you nodding your heads right now, but it is true. My bosses at Iceberg always said that too, that in food service it’s important that people always feel like there is abundance. Everyone thought it was a very successful event, or so the Rabbi told Uri. But he did work very, very hard. He spent at least 10 hours on his feet, and when he came back ho
me I was here with my teammates working on the Brand Immersion project (meaning he couldn’t really relax and veg out on the couch). Anyway, to end this story – he ended up going to bed at 10:30 which is odd enough for Uri, but even more bizarre when you consider that with all the work I had to do for the project I went to bed at 1:00 am.
Jump ahead about a week, (skipping over some stuff that I’ll try to get to tomorrow, but writing about something that just happened) yesterday we had a BBQ here with our Israeli friends. Most of the people where neighbors that live here in Hasbrouck, there was our friend Dafna and the B-school Israelis. It was lots of fun, Uri bought a grill and we made some things (I, having time, made desserts) and people brought stuff. It was actually quite a windy day, so everybody sat inside which made it very cozy (lucky thing we have the new couch). I had two afterthought to the whole thing – one was that I remembered the awesome grill that we left back home. I wonder how it’s doing, and whether it’s bringing joy and happiness to the person who is taking care of it. The other was that it’s quite sad that 5 of these people won’t be here next year. Just when we’re starting to know each other, and really establish a stronger relationship, it’s stopping. Hopefully new people will come, and we’ll be quicker “make contact”, but still…

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