For our last day in Toronto we did a bit of sightseeing in downtown Toronto, mainly in the ”Old York” part of town. It was a more pleasant day, so we were in a better mood for sightseeing, which means I should have had more pictures to share, but unfortunately I left the camera’s memory card in my laptop. But you could always search Google Images, or Picasa or Flikr for someone else’s pictures. I especially recommend looking for a picture of the Hockey Hall of Fame, which ironically is located in a very ornate heavy set building.
We also, of course, went to the St. Lawrance Food Market were we tried a Canadian type of ham called Peameal Bacon. For lunch, since we were trying to complete the diversity/ multi-cultural Toronto thing, we went to an Ethiopian restaurant - the Ethiopian House, that was very good.
After that it was home sweet home – well sort off, we started the drive back home, crossing the border at Niagara Falls. We decided not to stop, since we had been there 3 years ago, though it was neat to see the bridge where we stood that time, on the US side, from the Canadian side.
By dinner time we were in the Rochester area. Since we needed to eat, and also do some shopping to re-stock the refrigerator, we decided to stop at Wegmans. But not just any Wegmans, THE Wegmans, the Wegmans in Pittsford aka Super Wegmans. Yes I know – this sounds silly, we made a pilgrimage to Wegmans. It is kind of silly, but we thought it was funny, and as long as we can amuse ourselves with such trivial things, I think we’re in a good place.
Anyway, if you refuse to take part in the silliness you can skip this paragraph, because I do have to talk about how impressive this store is. It's not just that it’s bigger and has more variety than the one in Ithaca, because that’s not really that impressive. What really got us was the size of the “Market Café”, which among other things, includes a sit down bar where they prepare food a la carte. They also have a tea room and a fine dining restaurant next door. Crazy. Ah... Wegmans, what would we do without you?

BTW – in the pictures, note Uri looking super cool with his new hat.
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