Back to school it is – And back to not finding time for the little things. So now I’m back to recapping a whole week’s worth of events.
Friday I actually made my goal of baking one a week. I made another Dorie Greenspan recipe. This time it was biscotti. I opted for “tropical biscotti” changing her recipe a bit to by swapping the almond essence with Tahitian vanilla and the almonds with a blend of dried fruit, coconut and pistachio. The recipe lends itself to American biscotti, which are cut rather thick and not the slender fine biscotti that I made before. It was fine by me, because the thick biscotti are much easier to make. In the picture, I completed the tropical thing by making some chai Thai tea. I frothed the milk with my handy Bodum frother :).
On Saturday we attended the Israeli Student’s Association’s annual start of year BBQ. It was a nice event, a lot of good food, a lot of new people. Most importantly though we held elections for officers and so I am no longer the president. Woohoo!

After that – school officially started, and I quickly realized that the real problem with taking as many courses as I’m taking is the amount of reading that I have to do during the week, complicated by the fact that I don’t have too much time to do the reading during the week because I’m in class. Here are the courses I’m taking: Consumer Behavior, Services Marketing, Macroeconomics, Cases in Business Strategy, Financial Statement Analysis and Managerial Spreadsheet Modeling. I got tiered just writing all that down.
Uri had a busy week too. He did a lot of prep work for Saturday’s BBQ, and as usual took charge of all the actual BBQ-ing for everyone while we were there. Then on Tuesday we invited people for dinner which was planned as a pot-luck, but ended up being Uri cooking for everyone, last but in no way least, he was hired to cater an event for 80 people. The event is today (Saturday) but since it’s in the synagogue, it has to be kosher, so Uri had to finish cooking by Friday night. He worked all of Thursday and Friday (well his version of “all of Thursday”, meaning he started at 1 pm and worked until 10 pm). The end result was a huge amount of food, hopefully enough (I really don’t know what enough food for 80 Americans looks like). I’ll report back with the client’s feedback next time.
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