Usually I let my wife use this form of communication, but I decided to give it a try.
For the first time in A couple of years I have a routine for each day of the week. I know exactly what I'll do and when I'll do it. It is an unusual feeling for me, though it is going to be short lived experience with the baby and all :-)Most of you know that this year I started teaching. All together it's going pretty well. The fact that I don't have to prepare them for a test at the end of the school is a blessing in that it gives me a lot of freedom to teach almost any relevant material that I find interesting. The flip side is that some students don't have any motivation to study since not all of them are curious enough. But overall, those who are interested make it worth while.
The were also two other things I was thinking of sharing with you: First of all. I saw the new Cohen Brothers movie. It is the most Jewish and the most weird movie I have ever seen. I cannot recommend it, although, if any of you are going to see it, I can say that it is a very unique experience. Please let me know what you thought. The second thing goes to a well known fact about me - that I love to cook In big quantities. Despite the fact that over the years it has been somewhat exaggerated, it is mostly true. The nice thing is that now that I'm cooking for others on a regular basis, I have the perfect excuse with cooking for other people. That gave me another excuse to do something else I love to do: I bought a new big pot. I haven't used it yet, but I am excited to try (it also has other uses as well).

Go Uri! Take over the blog! ;-)
It looks like you're pot committed... :-P
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