Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First day in a cubical

Yes! I have my own cubical... my very first one.  Let us toast to this, and to further cubicles to come!
I'll be short, since I don't have that much time (that is why I technically missed a day).  The first day was nice.  My boss seems very nice.  He was really friendly, though he did leave me to fend for myself for lunch.  I was very proud of myself when I actually did approach someone in the cafeteria and asked to sit with them at the table.  He (my boss) has been working at Ocean Spray for 36 years!  
Anyway, the day started off with a short orientation, then I sat with my boss and we, in a very general manner, went over what I'll be doing, during which he gave me a big stack of papers that I have to get acquainted with.   Then I had lunch and started reading all the papers.  This morning we are supposed to talk about more specific things that I'll be going (my goals and objectives). 
Another tid-bit is that for some reason my name in the Outlook system there is Tamir.  I sent out a request to change it, but meanwhile one of the assistants has started booking meeting for me with people, and keeps calling me Tamir in the email she sends out.  I wrote her a not on it, but I guess she's just cutting and pasting the original mistake.
Meanwhile Uri drove around the area and posted "room wanted" flyers in 3 local synagogues.  It's an idea the innkeeper at the B&B we're staying in had.  Didn't seem like a bad one.
After work, Uri came to pick me up and we drove to Boston to look for a place for me to live.  We found one thing that looks reasonable, though it isn't really ideal - it's a bit more than I wanted to pay, and I'm still not completely convinced that I want to make the trip everyday.
Other the house hunting we ate at a really nice (and cheap!) Japanese restaurant that mainly serves noodles. and then I drove back down here, missing the exit I needed and taking us (in the dark) through some of the towns in the area instead of on the Highway.
What a day!


PS - wrote this directly in blogger, so forgive any spelling mistakes that it didn't catch.

1 comment:

Tomer Engel said...

a cube..
coorprate Tamir..nice..