Monday, March 9, 2009

9 pm blues

It's actually 8:52 now, but by the time I finish writing it will likely be 9.  I'm writing this in blogger - its spell check is even worse than Word's.  
I am still at Sage working on my weekly case for a course called "Consulting Focus", that trains us in the art of consulting.  I will reserve my vicious comment on that for another time, but I here-by give rein to my dad to add a comment. 
This is the reason that I didn't get around to writing before.  I will likely not be able to finish the write up today, and will have to continue tomorrow morning, along with another small assignment due to the same course.  Classes tomorrow start at 10:10 am, then I have an hour of break and then this class from 1:30 to 4 pm.  Only after that will I get around to studying for my marketing mid-term on Wednesday.  I announce now for all to here (maybe then it will come true): In that hour break I will work on my internship search!
Other random info:
1. I still have not had dinner.
2. We have house guest starting today and until Thursday.  We thought we could get then an extra bed, but we can't because the cots Cornell used to offer have flees in them.
3. I went to the gym today - Yey!

9:03 pm

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