Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keeping true to my word

For all of you who aren’t super spellers, I will let you in on the fact that in every post I have multiple words misspelled. I write in word, which has a spellchecker - it even catches when I write it’s instead of its or then instead of than, but it doesn’t catch everything. I will admit that I don’t read the entire post after I finish it. I justify it by saying that in that way the post is really a stream of consciousness and that I don’t have a chance to delete and edit what I thought to write down. That is true, but also, by the time I finish writing, I just want to upload it already. As they say here “Done and done!”
The reason I know I make spelling mistakes is that for each post there is at least one person that writes me back and informs me of the spelling mistakes. Sometimes I do go back and change them, if it’s really something where the word was just misspelled in the simplest way. But if it’s more that I misspoke or made up a phrase or something like that, I just leave it. The blog is written in my voice and sometimes that voice isn’t perfect.
In response to yesterday’s blog somebody commented that I wrote I was “tiered” (should be tired), initially I went to change it, but then I thought about the fact that in a way (that is grammatically wrong) I could describe myself as tiered (as having layers upon layers of assignments and responsibilities on my shoulders) and then it even fits in as part of the excuse I use not to go to the gym. So I left it in.
One last thing before I end (I did say that if I write everyday these blogs won’t be so long). Last night the clock moved forward here and it’s causing me frustration right now. You see I pride myself on getting up early. Not only is it part of who I am, it’s also my justification for going to bed early. Since it’s the weekend I let myself sleep in and got up at 7:30 am. But by the time I was downstairs (where both the computer clock and the clock on the DVR change automatically) it was already 8:35. So now I have all these things that I always do Sunday morning, that I’m already late in doing. :)

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