Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Omri & Michal!

So technically today is tomorrow, and so if you really want to be picky about it- then yes, I missed a day.  But we all know it doesn't count.
Today was a very exciting day.  I had my marketing mid-term (I haven't a clue how i did, so don't ask) and my team and I completed our last assignment before Spring Break.  To mark the day, and prove that there is a god, it was also a very beautiful day*.  I actually walked outside with only a 3/4 sleeve shirt as a top.  In order to do this, I had to leave my heavy coat at Sage, so naturally the day progressed such that I found myself, same shirt on with an additional cardigan, running from the mall entrance to the car while snow flakes are falling from the sky.
Now I'm talking a break from packing (not that I needed a break, but I felt bad not writing).  Packing? YES! We are going to Boston.  ROAD TRIP! I'm really looking forward to it.  We will be in Boston for a couple of days, and then head down to NYC for a couple more.  The only odd thing is that the thing I am most excited about is that THE thing I am MOST excited about is the prospect of us coming back with a new sofa.  Hmmm...

* I once observed that Fridays in Israel are usually beautiful sunny days, and thought to myself that if anything were to convince me that there is a god and that he is jewish, it would probably be that.  But it doesn't.  

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